17 January, 2018

New range of steamed fish traditional recipes: easy, healthy and quick

Pescanova has launched a new range of steamed fish cooked the old-fashion way; a simple and quick solution that is ideal for those who wish to eat more fish as part of a healthy and balanced diet.
14 December, 2017

New low-salt “Anguriñas” Pescanova, all the flavour with less salt

Pescanova continues to innovate in its range of products, by incorporating products that combine healthiness and palate pleasure with its low-salt Anguriñas, now available for consumers.
12 December, 2017

Fifteen women feature this year’s “Royal Christmas Message”

Pescanova launches its Christmas campaign and brings out a debate on a social issue: the gender gap.
1 December, 2017

Nueva Pescanova goes for Galician PDO for its new range of pre-cooked mussels

Following the launching of the shrimp Dippeo, the Tapeo and the Octopus cooked in its own juice ranges, Pescanova launches a new range of mussels, a major bid on top quality and convenience.
23 November, 2017

The Nueva Pescanova Group renews its fleet with the incorporation of seven vessels to be built, in Galicia, between 2018 and 2020

A total investment of 42.5 million euros. The vessels will be built in Vigo and in Burela (Lugo) by the shipyard Armon
16 November, 2017

“Less gossip, more octopus”, the best 2.0 Premium campaign in the Luxury Advertising Awards

Nueva Pescanova Group receives one more award because of their innovation and creativity due to one of its latest innovations campaign: octopus cooked in its own juice.