3 July, 2017

The banks owners of the turbot farming plant in Mira agreed to sell the company to Ondas e Versos LDA

Three of the Portuguese creditor banks of Acuinova-Mira (Millennium BCP, Caixa Geral de Depósitos, and NovoBanco) have agreed to sell all the shares of the Portuguese company to Ondas e Versos LDA, which has taken over the management of the company.
27 June, 2017

The Nueva Pescanova Group doubled its operating profit in 2016

The General Meeting of the Partners of Nueva Pescanova SL, held today in Chapela (Redondela), has ratified the accounts of the company for the year ended December 31, 2016.
20 June, 2017

Court rules in favor of Nueva Pescanova over its petition to void contracts imposed by the old Pescanova

The ruling confirms the assessment of Nueva Pescanova S.L. on the contested contracts and acknowledges that the old Pescanova, Pescanova S.A., breached its duty of loyalty as an administrator.
15 June, 2017

Pescanova, the sixth brand for Spanish households

Pescanova is present in 60 per cent of households through its wide variety of chilled and frozen products.
31 May, 2017

Pescanova launches a new advertising campaign to announce its new shrimp Dippeo range

The advertisements are inspired by the current Post-truth phenomenon. According to a study commissioned by the company, 86% of Spaniards believe fake news.
26 May, 2017

The Nueva Pescanova Group wins the Silver AMPE for its campaign “let’s put our tables together”

The Nueva Pescanova Group has been awarded with the Silver AMPE in the Best TV campaign category for the last Christmas spot " let's put our tables together" created by the advertising agency Lola MullenLowe.