Our commitment to our people
Occupational health and safety, the establishment of responsible and transparent labour relations, the promotion of equality and diversity, the conciliation of work and family life, and the professional and personal growth of our employees are the bases for our success. These are essential aspects for the development of a group culture capable of building and maintaining relationships of trust with suppliers, clients, consumers, and partner communities.
As a direct result of the principles and plans of our Corporate CSR Policy, we have developed the Corporate Policy on Responsible People Management in the Nueva Pescanova Group.
This governance tool formally establishes the commitments and principles of responsible management of the Group’s employees, guiding its fishing, aquaculture, industrial and marketing activities to guarantee decent and safe work.
In this Policy we commit to:
- Respect for human and labour rights.
- The occupational health, safety, and hygiene of our professionals.
- The effective gender equality and diversity.
- Reconciling family and professional life.
- The personal and professional growth of our employees.
We identify as principles of Responsible Labour Action:
- Compliance with national and international labour legislation.
- The development of adequate labour relations frameworks to social and business requirements.
- The assurance of a safe and healthy work environment, and the prevention of occupational risks.
- Equal opportunities between genders, non-discrimination, and diversity.
- The selection, hiring, and promotion of talent based on the professional and personal growth of our people.
- Training and continuous evaluation of the performance of our employees.
- The promotion and professional development of employees based on criteria of equality, merit, and skills.
Specific measures for Labour Responsibility are:
- The establishment of an organizational structure and clearly defined roles in the field of human capital management.
- Consideration of labour and safety aspects in risk management and control.
- The implementation of people management systems (labour, safety, talent).
- The provision of specific budgets.
- Training and information for managers and employees in people management.
- Collaboration with suppliers so that responsible people management is a common principle throughout the Group’s value chain.
Work at sea
We are aware of the relevance of the particularities of the work of our people at sea. Therefore, we actively participate in the development of standards that assure the best labour practices, as a formula to guarantee and demonstrate that our good practices and the working conditions at sea that we offer to our crews comply with the most advanced labour certification requirements, such as those based on ILO Convention 188 on work in fishing.
- GSSI-SSCI joint benchmark tool for the seafood sector
The Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI) collaboration with the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative (SSCI) of The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) is a joint benchmark tool that will allow the seafood industry to have access to a list of recognized social compliance schemes that operate in the seafood sector.
The seafood-specific social benchmark tool will consider the specificities of the seafood sector and the special nature of work in food harvesting. The criteria will be underpinned by ILO Conventions and Recommendations, the UN Guiding Principles and aligned with the Consumer Goods Forum’s Priority Industry Principles on Forced Labour.
We have collaborated in the development of the FISH standard – a voluntary, independent, and accredited third-party certification program for labour practices on vessels in wild-capture fisheries.
The FISH standard assures seafood buyers that the fish they are buying and selling is harvested by crews that are (i) recruited and hired ethically, (ii) treated with respect on the vessel, (iii) paid properly, and (iv) have processes to address grievances.
Fairness, Integrity, Safety, And Health (FISH) Standard For Crew, https://fishstandard.com/
- Occupational health and safety
We promote a safe and healthy work environment for all our employees, by means of implementing an effective occupational health and safety (OHS) management system, promoting health improvement campaigns, and ensuring a good work environment and the conciliation of work and family life.
- Other social and labour compliance verification tools
We favour labour agreements through collective bargaining agreements and certification or verification by social and labour standards, such as the SMETA/SEDEX type.
Occupational health and safety of our employees
The Nueva Pescanova Group has the firm and unequivocal commitment, set forth by its Board of Directors in Our Code of Ethics, to have robust risk, health, and work environment management systems of the highest technical and organizational quality, respectful of regulations on occupational risk prevention, and aligned with best practices and with the most demanding and excellent reference frameworks that currently exist in this field.
For this reason, we promote a safe and healthy work environment for all workers, through an effective occupational risk prevention system and campaigns to improve health and the work environment.
As a direct result of the commitments to the health and safety of our people, expressed in our Code of Ethics and in the Nueva Pescanova Group’s Corporate Policy for Responsible Management of People, we have developed the Nueva Pescanova Group’s Corporate Occupational Health and Safety Policy.
The purpose of this policy is to develop the firm assumption of the Group’s Senior Management in promoting the risk preventive culture as an integral and essential part of its management, to achieve a safe and healthy work environment for all the people of the Nueva Pescanova Group and its spheres of influence.
The basic pillars of the concept of occupational health and safety in the Nueva Pescanova Group are:
- The health and safety of our employees is a permanent and fundamental objective of the group.
- The health and safety of our employees must always prevail. All risks must be duly evaluated and, when appropriate, avoided or minimized, allocating the necessary resources for this.
- Continuous improvement in all areas of occupational risk prevention management.
- The necessary compliance with the legislation on the prevention of occupational risks.
- The integration of the principles of occupational health and safety at all levels of the Group.
We have developed and implemented a global occupational health and safety system for the Group based on occupational health and safety standards. This global system includes:
- The integration of occupational health and safety criteria in all phases of the production process, in every work method and in every decision, in such a way that managers, technicians, managers, and workers assume their responsibilities in the matter.
- The identification, evaluation, and effective control of risks associated with every task.
- The adequacy between the employee and his job through health surveillance and training.
- An evaluation mechanism on occupational health and safety in accordance with established standards to identify possible deviations, exchange best practices, and establish a global culture of excellence in occupational risk prevention.
Diversity and equality
We protect the labour rights, and we commit to promoting diversity and equal opportunities for all employees and the proper reconciliation of work and family life.
Professional growth
We promote policies aimed at the personal and professional development of our employees through training programs, continuous assessment, and compensation.
As a direct result of the commitments to the promotion and the professional development of our people, expressed in our Code of Ethics and in the Nueva Pescanova Group’s Corporate Policy for Responsible Management of People, we have developed the Nueva Pescanova Group’s General Procedure for Talent Management.
The purpose of this policy is to formally establish the set of general principles of action in the field of people management to promote personal and professional growth of the people who make up the Group.
The corporate values and principles of action regarding talent management of our professionals are:
- The vocation of leaders and the spirit of continuous improvement, pursuing talent management and the development of differential professionals.
- Knowledge of labour legislation and regulations, including internal ones.
- Compliance with human and labour rights.
- Equal opportunities.
- The commitment of employees aligned with the corporate strategy.
- The recognition of employees and teams.
- The quality of life of the employees, ensuring conditions so that they can carry out their activities in a healthy way.
- The performance evaluation and feedback between managers and other employees.
- Training and development of people.
- A remuneration system that favours the consolidation of its human capital through the recognition and reward of the dedication, responsibility, and performance of our professionals.
- Continuous improvement of people management, guaranteeing equal rights, opportunities, and obligations.
Corporative volunteering
We encourage corporate volunteering in the Nueva Pescanova Group’s companies by supporting the free and altruistic involvement and participation of our employees (and other people related to the Group) in causes, projects, and non-profit organizations that benefit society, dedicating their time (during or outside work hours), skills, and talent.
We have developed the Corporate Policy for Corporate Volunteering, in which we formally establish the principles of action for Corporate Volunteering in the countries where the various companies of the Nueva Pescanova Group are present.
We reinforce the Group’s commitment to society at large and to our partner communities through corporate volunteering actions.
With this policy we also want to promote in the Nueva Pescanova Group a culture of action and social participation, favouring the development of our partner communities and their natural environment, through the social or solidarity collaboration projects that generate value.
Human Rights
In the Nueva Pescanova Group, we are committed to supporting respect for Human Rights as one of the principles on which our activity is based in all the countries we are present. For this reason, we have developed the Human Rights Corporate Policy with a global scope of application within the Nueva Pescanova Group, when conducting our activities in the internal value chain, from fishing and aquaculture origins to markets, and also in our external supply chains, considering the relations with suppliers of goods and/or services, under the set of regulations that make up our Regulatory System of Corporate Governance and Compliance.
In addition to specifically formalizing the Group’s commitment to Human Rights recognized in national and international legislation, this policy has the purpose of defining the principles that must be applied for due diligence in respect of Human Rights, complying with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Companies, the principles on which the United Nations Global Compact is based, the Tripartite declaration of principles on multinational companies and social policy, the conventions of the International Labour Organization, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) approved by the United Nations Organization, our Code of Ethics, and the rest of the internal regulations in the Group, as well as the documents and texts that may replace or complement those previously mentioned.