Our commitment to local communities
Aware of the value of seafood, we strive to collaborate with the development of more prosperous communities by generating wealth, employment, and training wherever we are present.
In accordance with the provisions of our Corporate CSR Policy, all the companies of the Nueva Pescanova Group follow these guidelines in their actions in the scope of the Communities pillar:
- Promote and generate stable and quality local employment (legal, safe, and fair).
- Encourage continuous training and professional development of all its employees.
- Invest, in accordance with the criteria and according to the Nueva Pescanova Group’s budget, in quality assets to favour productivity, efficiency and the good work environment in all the places where we are present.
- Improve the quality of life in our partner communities.
To guide our responsible action in our partner communities and in line with our CSR policy, we have developed the Nueva Pescanova Group’s Corporate Policy for Cooperation and Development Aid.
The purpose of this Policy is to formally establish the areas of action and principles that guide the cooperation and aid activities for the development of the communities in the countries where the different companies of the Nueva Pescanova Group are present, maximizing the value created for the community and trust of its stakeholders.
In accordance with this Policy, the initiatives that the companies of the Group undertake for cooperation and development aid will be in line with the Group’s business areas and expressly aimed at the following areas of action:
- Employment
- Education
- Natural environment.
- Humanitarian aid.
Cooperation and development aid actions will be implemented through collaborations in specific projects of a public or private nature, which must be selected based on the following criteria:
- Vision of long-term collaboration with the community.
- Alignment with the interests of the Group, its public image, and corporate reputation.
- Good reputation and management experience of the partners/NGOs in charge of implementing the projects.
- Transparency in the monitoring and measurement of projects.
- Sustainability of collaboration in the economic sphere to avoid dependency.
- Contributions may be monetary, in product, or in time of the employees. In the latter case, the Group will promote the commitment of its workers to volunteer action.
- Budget availability.

Local employment
We are committed to the promotion and creation of stable and quality local jobs (legal, safe and fair) and we promote ongoing training and professional development.

Investment in quality assets
We are committed to continued investment in quality assets to encourage productivity, efficiency and a good work environment wherever we operate.

Social work
We are committed to improving the living conditions of those communities in which we operate and for that reason we support welfare and education improvement actions and programs and we also invest in the necessary infrastructure.
In Spain
- Donation of food to the Spanish Federation of Food Banks (FESBAL), as part of the campaign launched by Fundación Alimentum.
- In addition to this extraordinary donation, the Nueva Pescanova Group regularly collaborates with Food Banks in Spain through the donation of various seafood products, as part of our CSR activity.
- Active involvement in healthy lifestyle plans and health campaigns.
- Annual recruitment plan for young graduates.
- We have collaborated with several university research centers, mainly with regard to industrial engineering and efficiency, environment and sustainability.
In Namibia through NovaNam
- NovaNam kindergarten in Lüderitz with bus and cafeteria services. 80 children up to 5 years old, children of the employees. Staff of 7 people.
- Retirement homes in Lüderitz. Food donation to The Helping Hands in Nautilus and Hermine Old Age House.
- Housing Project in Lüderitz. Construction of 59 houses for the workers. Financial support to allow employees to buy houses through the National Housing Company.
- Health clinics in Lüderitz and Walvis Bay with three registered nurses for on-site assistance, dispensing of medicine and medical advice for the workers.
- Fish market in Lüderitz where it sells directly to the public and to other shops, as well as a take-away restaurant (Captain Macarena) specialized in fish.
- Financial contribution to specific events, such as the Tilapia festival in Ntunda, the Crayfish festival in Lüderitz and the London celebration of the 25th anniversary of the independence of Namibia.
- Annual financial contribution to the NovaNam men’s soccer team in Lüderitz, largely made up of NovaNam employees, and the women’s netball team, exclusively made up of NovaNam employees.
- “Fun Day” is celebrated in Lüderitz and Walvis Bay, including activities for the employees and their children such as traditional dances, games and bouncy castles for the little ones, barbecue for the employees, sport competitions and an award ceremony for those employees who retired that year.
- Annual financial contribution to other sport events, such as the golf competition in Swakopmund and the Lüderitz Speed Challenge international kitesurf competition.
In Mozambique through Pescamar
- Since its very beginnings, Pescamar has been committed to providing the local markets with seafood protein.
- Use of local suppliers of goods and services.
- Access to decent housing through agreements with the main financial institutions of the country in terms of funding the purchase of the workers’ homes.
- Collaboration with the Nautical Fishing School of Mozambique by providing teachers and offering internships to its students.
- Collaboration with various schools, universities and educational organizations with which it maintains agreements for the employment of recent graduates in internship and scholarship projects: Universidade Católica de Moçambique, Agence Française de Développement, ESSOR Centro de Formação Profissional da Beira, Centro de Formação Profissional Emiliani, Direcção Nacional do Ensino Técnico Profissional, Escola Industrial e Comercial 25 de Junho, Escola Profissional de Chimoio, Instituto Industrial e Comercial da Beira, Marinha de Guerra de Moçambique, Universidade Zambeze Young África.
In Nicaragua through Camanica
- Award of scholarships to employees, internal sessions of specific training.
- Collaboration with the NGO “Solidaridad Galega” for the transportation of materials to Nicaragua. In July 2017, a container arrived in Nicaragua with school desks, teacher desks, chairs, blackboards, reading books and textbooks, games and other school material for several schools in the Chinandega region (the area in Camanica where most of the farms are located).
- Comprehensive training program for small and medium-sized cooperatives of the aquaculture sector in the area, aimed at educating them on the latest trends and developments in terms of biodiversity, biosecurity and traceability.
- In 2012 Proyecto Costura (Sewing Project) was launched and in 2014 the women participating in said project created their own cooperative. They have since been hired for the manufacturing of the company’s uniforms.
- The Camanica Environmental Education Program (PEAC) aimed at schools, donations to the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA), the Agreement with the Institute for Environmental Training, Research and Development (CIDEA) of the Central American University (UCA) including the Camanica-UNA Program for biogas production, the Collaboration Agreement with Nagarote and Fundenic City Councils for a recycling program at schools.
- Donation of computers to schools and educational centers in the region, celebration of the Recycling Fair along with the support to social projects such as “Un Techo para mi País” (“a roof for my country”, an initiative to build housing for low-income families) and the creation of a plant nursery that supplies the nearby communities as well as all the towns and schools in the area.
- Organization of different activities, such as the celebration of Women’s Day, Father’s and Mother’s Day, the annual celebration to commemorate the end of the shrimp production cycle, the children’s drawing contest and the Christmas party with the workers’ children.
- It organizes activities with the communities where their production farms and the Camanica processing plant are located, such as the Disability Awareness Week, the Beach Cleaning Program in Corinto or the Cleaning and Reforestation Program in Rio Acome, carried out by volunteers of the company and which has achieved the recognition of the local authorities.
- Camanica-Banpro Loan Agreement to facilitate the granting of loans to the employees by said bank.
- Loan program for home purchase, emergency assistance and group life insurance.
- Glasses and eye care products donation campaign, outpatient care and health checks.
- Financial contribution to women’s softball, baseball, soccer, table tennis and chess teams.
In Guatemala through Novaguatemala
- Support and maintenance of a school in Champerico, with more than 500 children and teenagers, where they also offer literacy classes for adults.
- Environmental Education Campaigns along with actions in the area of health care and the construction of housing for the underprivileged.
In Ecuador through Promarisco
- Adult Education Program
- Financial contributions:
- To missions and retirement homes and donation of tables and chairs.
- To the purchase of school materials for the children of Isla Trinitaria.
- To the Fronteras de la Ciencia Research Center (CIFC) for the purchase of scientific material for the MATSYTA Project – Manufacturing of early stimulation equipment for children who were born blind.
- To the construction of the Tonchigüe-Esmeraldas Fire Station.
- To the delivery of food, hygiene and cleaning products in collaboration with the Provincial Directorate for Risk Management to several families affected by the winter season in the Playas canton.
- Promarisco received recognition from the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) for its compliance with employer contributions and for working for the wellbeing of their employees and the strengthening of Social Security in the Guayas province.
- Delivery of toys to different associations: Association of Small Farmers in Puerto Hondo; Municipality El Real in the Province of Santa Elena; the Jose Luis Tamayo (Muey) Parish in the Salinas canton.
- Occupational health surveillance, first aid, nutrition and immunization campaigns.
In the USA through Pescanova USA
- Donation to the South Florida National Parks Trust for the benefit of the national parks of South Florida, to be spent throughout three years to support programs and projects in the four national parks of South Florida, including Biscayne National Park, the largest marine park of the national park system.
- Launch in 2012 of the Domestic Seafood Heritage program in cooperation with the University of Florida, designed to recognize and elevate support for traditional processors and harvests that have remained dedicated to production of food from coastal marine fisheries.