Responsible Action Programme

Responsible Action Program

On the basis of the CSR Master Plan, its 4 pillars and the Corporate Policies on CSR and Sustainability, we have developed the Responsible Action Programme (RAP), whose main objective is to identify, measure and orientate the Group’s responsible action, as well as to assess its contribution to sustainable development.

The RAP provides documentation of the Group companies’ work regarding the generation of shared value with their stakeholders. Responsible action by the Nueva Pescanova Group contributes to the social, economic and environmental sustainability of our environment in the countries and communities where we operate.

The RAP is a dynamic tool in constant evolution. During its first edition, in 2018, the RAP spread to 4 countries (Ecuador, Guatemala, Namibia and Nicaragua), thus reaching 66% of the employees. In 2019 the programme reached 95% of employees by incorporating Argentina, Spain, Mozambique and Peru and finally in 2020, for its third edition, we extended the scope to 100% of the Group’s employees by including Angola, Brazil, USA, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and South Africa. This scope has been maintained in the subsequent editions of the RAP.

Based on the results of the materiality assessment during the 2020-21 edition, action platforms were created, that are defined as the grouping of a set of responsible actions around the same theme and with equivalent scope, and to which responsible actions are assigned. In 2020, a total of 12 platforms were set up, 5 on environmental topics, 6 on social topics and 1 on food quality and safety topics. These platforms may change in response to a changing context.

(Materiality Assessment Report 2021 of the Nueva Pescanova Group)


  • Sustainability:

The “Pescanova Blue” Programme shows our responsible action in the areas of sustainable sourcing, labour responsibility, responsible operations, more prosperous communities and ethical and upright behaviour aligned with our regulatory compliance duties and objectives across all the Group’s activities, fishing, aquaculture, processing and commercial.

  • Energy:

The improvement of energy efficiency, the transition to green energy and the reduction and offsetting of emissions are a proof of responsible action.

  • Water:

Actions performed to optimise water consumption, the use of water from alternative sources and the responsible management of discharges are a proof of responsible action.

  • Materials:

Accountability in optimising the consumption of materials, the sustainability of packaging, the recovery of by-products and the reduction of waste by ensuring that it is properly managed.

  • Biodiversity:

Taking responsible actions that contribute to the protection and conservation of biodiversity wherever the company is present.


  • Prevention of Occupational Hazards (OHS):

Actions in occupational risk prevention and health and wellness programmes are a proof of responsible actions.

  • Labour Relations:

Accountability is evidenced by actions that contribute to responsible and transparent labour relations. 

  • Equality and Diversity

Accountability on this platform is evidenced by actions that contribute to ensuring the equality and diversity among the Group’s employees.

  • Training and Talent:

Responsible action programmes contribute both to employee training and to attracting and managing talent.

  • Social action and humanitarian aid:

The Group carries out actions aimed at creating employment in the communities where it operates, helping to improve quality of life, as well as actions to transfer knowledge to the local communities and actions to care for the natural environment. In addition, the Nueva Pescanova Group also has a donation programme to provide assistance to improve life, health and wellbeing of the most vulnerable groups, especially those who are victims of catastrophes caused by natural disasters or others.

  • Quality and Food Safety (Quality Excellence):

Responsible actions undertaken on this platform contribute to guaranteeing the quality and food safety of our products. The facilities and production processes are certified according to the relevant standards and the communication on our products is clear and transparent.

To learn more about this, please consult the responsible actions carried out by the Nueva Pescanova Group during 2022-2023. You may also access the 2021-22, 2020 and 2019 reports.

The RAP has allowed to know how the responsible action of the Group contributes to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations Organisation.  We highlight, by number of actions, the contribution to the SDGs 8, 9 and 12 (check Nueva Pescanova Group’s 2022-23 Sustainable Development Contribution Report).
