We farm
7,000 hectares of Aquaculture
The Nueva Pescanova Group works in Aquaculture because we are aware that marine resources are limited and that in order for future generations to be able to enjoy them they must be especially protected by all the sectors involved.
We have a production area of around 7,000 hectares (equivalent to 10,000 soccer fields) dedicated to the farming of different species.
Moreover, we have one of the research, development and innovation centers that is an international benchmark in Aquaculture: the Pescanova Biomarine Center. Located in O Grove (Galicia, Spain), it is dedicated to improving the farming of commercial species in terms of genetics, nutrition, management and health.


The Pescanova Biomarine Center is our aquaculture R&D&I centre. This center is staffed by a team of researchers working on the study of genetics, nutrition, health and animal welfare.
At the Pescanova Biomarine Center we focus on the development of new farming species such as octopus and on the improvement of species such as turbot or vannamei prawns, among others.
We farm

The Nueva Pescanova Group is one of the world’s largest producers of Vannamei Shrimp, processing 60.000 tonnes every year. Our production is based in Latin America (Nicaragua, Ecuador and Guatemala).
One of our most distinctive characteristics is that we integrate all the activities of the value chain of this product, from the production of selected larvae to the cooking of the products that we sell in the supermarkets. This integration ensures the complete traceability and guarantee of the quality of all of our products.
For years now, we have been analyzing thousands of animals, selecting the best broodstock that will be dedicated to the production of larvae. The process continues with the “planting” of the larvae and their fattening in environmentally sustainable conditions until they are “harvested” and processed in our own plants.
Both the farms and the plants have the most rigorous certifications that recognize the adequacy of the techniques used. In the case of farming, special attention is given to sustainability and the security and working conditions of all the people involved in the process. With regard to the plants, hygiene and food security standards are our main concern, along with ensuring the best working conditions for the employees.

It is specialized in the farming and processing of Vannamei Shrimp. Based in Nicaragua, it has around 4,500 hectares of fishing farms located in Estero Real and around 2,000 employees working in the company. It has the largest larvae production center in America, with a monthly production of 600 million. Its processing plant can produce up to 30,000 tons annually. Camanica is, by far, the biggest company dedicated to farming Vannamei shrimp in the country and is responsible for more than 50% of the production and export of this species in Nicaragua.

It is a company dedicated mainly to the processing of shrimp-based high added value products at its plant in Champerico, department of Retalhuleu (Guatemala). Novaguatemala have two farms dedicated to intensive Vannamei Shrimp farming with a total extension of 141 hectares and employs 1,000 people who are fundamentally dedicated to processing products with high added value, based on shrimps and knife shrimps. It is specialised in producing complex products, such as peeled shrimps, breaded fish, brochettes and ebi sushi.

With farms located in the Gulf of Guayaquil (Ecuador), Promarisco has roughly 3,000 hectares for extensive farming of vannamei shrimps. It takes advantage of the ideal natural conditions to breed them in the wild, thus converting Ecuador into the main producer and exporter in America and one of the first in the world. Promarisco’s factory, located on the shores of the river Guayas, has the capacity to process a total of 90,000 tonnes of this species.

Nueva Pescanova Group is one of the biggest turbot producers in the world. Our company Insuiña, in Spain, is specialized in the breeding, fattening and processing of turbot. That is why it is located in Galicia, the place where this species originated and that has the best waters and environmental conditions for its production.

Insuiña Mougás is located in Oia (Pontevedra, Spain). It is the place where the fingerlings are obtained, which are bred for a few months before they are taken to the facilities of Insuiña-Xove (Lugo, Spain) where they are fattened up until reaching the adult stage.

Located in Lugo (Spain), its facilities are made up of 900 turbot fattening tanks and have a total production area of 63,000 m2. The annual production capacity of this plant reaches 2,800 tonnes. The processed fish leave the facilities on the same day to arrive with the maximum freshness to the markets where they are sold.