We fish
54 vessels in the Southern Hemisphere
We have been sailing around the world in search of the best fishing grounds since 1961. We were pioneers in building the first vessel with on-board freezing technology. This was followed by other vessels, which were, at the time, the largest freezer vessels in the world and the first to process fish at sea.
Our fleet is currently consists of 54 vessels, including both freezer vessels and wet-fish trawlers, operating in the main fishing grounds of the Southern Hemisphere, where they fish and select the finest marine species. Our fleet includes trawlers, beam trawlers, squid fishing vessels and longliners specialising in hake, monkfish, pomfret and kingklip fishing in Namibia; shrimp and various prawn species in Mozambique; striped red shrimp, deep-water rose shrimp and crab in Angola; and Argentine red shrimp, illex squid and toothfish in Argentina.
We renew our fleet
Our clear commitment to Innovation and to the continuous improvement of all our activities has led to the renovation of part of our fleet with the construction of new vessels for Namibia and Mozambique.


It has one of the largest fleets of the Group and it fishes, among others, Argentine red shrimp, illex squid and toothfish.
It began operating in 1988 and is based in Puerto Deseado (province of Santa Cruz, Argentine Patagonia), where it has processing and refrigeration facilities. Additionallly, its fleet consists of 16 vessels: twelve beam trawlers, two squid jigger vessels, one otter trawler and one longliner.


Based in Benguela (Angola), it is one of the Group’s fishing companies on the African continent specialising in the capture of striped red shrimp, deep-water rose shrimp and crab.


Its wet-fish trawlers primarily bring Cape hake to Namibian docks, although the bycatch, mainly monkfish, pomfret, or kingklip, is also processed and sold. The company operates two factories in Namibia: one in Walvis Bay and another in Lüderitz, the latter being the largest hake processing centre in Africa.


Based in Beira (Mozambique), it has the Group’s largest fishing fleet, with 30 vessels. It began operations in 1980 and specialises in catching various prawn species, primarily jumbo, tiger, banana and brown prawns.